Class: Mage
Health Points: 200
Multiplier: x3
Barrier: Immune to Physical and Magical Attacks for a turn.
(Cooldown: 5 Turns) - Keyword - Barrier
Elemental Burst:
If Fire Element - Burn Status to Opponent -20HP Per turn.
If Water Element - Freeze Status to Opponent for 1 turn.
If Storm Element - Stun Status to Opponent for 1 turns.
If Earth Element - Statue summon with 100 HP.
If Light Element - Barrier summon with 100 HP.
If Dark Element - Blind Status to Opponent 3 turns. All odd numbers miss.
If weak to the element x2 boost to the effects.
(Usage: 1) - Keyword - Burst
Calamity: Uses all HP for direct damage. Cannot, dodge, barrier or block this ability. Your HP will be 1.
(Usage: 1) - Keyword - Calamity
Skill Scroll: Restrictions has to be the same element, as what you chose. Restricted in official battles, unless the rank of the scroll is even to your opponent.
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