
Race: Humia
Weakness: Angelia or Demonia
Short Description:
x2 Damage from Angelia or Demonia
Able to resist elemental weakness. However damage x2 still applies if Race is still a weakness.

Race: Demia
Weakness: Humia
Short Description:
x2 Damage from Humia
Dodge increment increases by 5, Rolling 1-15 and 85-100.
Increased to 1-20 and 80-100. Stacks with Increased Dodge or other abilities.

Race: Demonia
Weakness: Demia
Restriction: Cannot use be Light Element
Short Description:
x2 Damage from Demia
Base multiplier of your class increases by x1. Stacks with weapons or other abilities.

Race: Angelia
Weakness: Demia
Restriction: Cannot use be Dark Element
Short Description:
x2 Damage from Demia
When the battle starts, you summon a Barrier that is 50% of your HP. All statuses ignored when barrier is up.